Creating New Neural Pathways

Are your neural pathways taking you on a dangerous path or easy path?

Microcurrent Neurofeedback is designed to help the brain rebalance and recognize itself. How does it do that? By creating new neural pathways.

Think of like a path through the woods. You must take this path often. But it is a difficult path. You fall and get bruises and scratches every time you take that path.

Years pass and this path becomes so familiar to you that you can walk it with your eyes closed. Even though you get scratched up and hurt, this is the path you take.

You get anxious and scared every time you have to take this path. You’re stomach is in knots. But it is the only way to get to your destination. Day after day you worry and struggle as you walk along this path.

One day, you see a forest ranger standing beside the path. He shows you a new way to go. It’s a beautiful relaxing path through flowers and fields. It takes to you the same destination, only this time you are relaxed and unhurt.

The next time few times you take your journey, the forest ranger is there to show you where the new path starts. Soon, the new path is visible enough that you can find it on your own. Eventually, you forget about the old dangerous path and begin taking the new relaxing path.

New Neural Pathways

MCN acts like that forest ranger. It guides your synapsis to a new and better pathway. A pathway that helps your brain relax again, rather than anticipating the dangers and getting hurt along the journey.

Just like finding that new path along the river, it may take several sessions before your nerves recognize where the new neural pathway is.

When your neural pathways are cleared of hazardous obstacles, it will be able to relax during rest. It won’t waste time trying to anticipate the dangerous path anymore. It’s all about finding a way to re-route your neural pathways.

Your body can now begin to heal itself. You may start to sleep better, feel better, and be less anxious. It’s all part of finding a way to re-route your neural pathways.

Free consultations are available. Call for an appointment.