The new buzz word in non-traditional medicine seems to be Neurofeedback. But what is it? And how is it different from Microcurrent neurofeedback? Rest assured that traditional Neurofeedback and Microcurrent Neurofeedback are both non-invasive and beneficial for many. Let’s take a deeper look MICROCurrent Neurofeedback vs Neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback was pioneered in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The basis of Dr. Kamiya’s research found that by using a simple reward system, people could control their brain waves. This was achieved in an interactive experience which is usually in the form of a movie or video game. The patient’s brain waves are sent to a computer. The patient tries to mentally manipulate that experience by interacting with the software. There is no signal transmitted back to the patient’s brain. This is an interactive way for a patient to re-train their brain.
Linear Neurofeedback
Linear neurofeedback is the first generation of devices. These are known as EEG biofeedback systems. A neurofeedback trainer first takes a map of the patients brain electrical patterns. This map allows the trainer to analyze brain activity. The map is a reference point to set protocols that will help the brain to work towards normal and healthier brain wave patterns.
With linear brain training, a patient must rely on the skills of the clinician. The clinician will establish a protocol program. Then adjust it over the series of sessions. Errors in adjusting frequencies can create side effects. The skill of the clinician is very important to consider with linear neurofeedback.
Non-Linear Neurofeedback
As the speed of computing power improved so did the second generation of neurofeedback devices. Devices approached the speed of the brain’s processing power. Speed is important. Our brains naturally create changes quickly and these are non-linear changes.
Think of non-linear as something you know will happen but you cannot precisely predict it. For example, spring follows winter. That’s a fact. But the exact pattern from winter to spring is not predictable. That’s the non-linear part. So too, our brain’s activity, its changes, and its improvements, are also non-linear, that is, unpredictable.
Neurofeedback uses computer programs to create a brain map. Then it sends signals to our brain that causes it to react. It captures these signals instantly. This allows the nerves in the brain to re-map or realign.
Microcurrent Neurofeedback
Microcurrent Neurofeedback, as its name applies, uses a micro electrical signals. They are very, very, tiny. Much less than your cell phone puts out! These brief signals stimulate the nervous system resulting in a temporary fluctuation in nerve pathways, or brainwaves. These signals are transmitted to specific nerves, allowing the brain to “reset” and regulate itself.
With Microcurrent Neurofeedback (MCN) the technician uses an electroencephalogram (EEG). This enables the brain to adjust itself by creating new brain wave patterns. This results in a faster more efficient form of neurofeedback.
Benefits of Microcurrent Neurofeedback
Microcurrent Neurofeedback has proven to be extremely effective in helping individuals manage the symptoms of various conditions, like ADHD, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, stroke victims, and more.
Traditional Neurofeedback (NF) may take 6 months or longer to achieve optimal outcome. In contrast, the technician using an IASIS MCN system often reports noticeable observations by recipients in 3-5 sessions.