Will my brain be zapped with electrical shocks during an MCN? You’ll be glad to know that MCN is NOT shock treatment. Our brain has billions of neurons. These Neurons are electrically excitable. According to scientific research, every neuron has a resting voltage of 70 millivolt.
MCN stands for Microcurrent Neurofeedback. Did you catch the word “Micro” in the name? That means very, very small. Microcurrent neurofeedback is so subtle that it is safe for babies, pregnant women, and the elderly.
The amount of electricity used in MCN is about 3 Pico-watts of energy. A pico-watt is one trillionth of a watt. Or about 1/100 of a singe AA battery. And, it only lasts for 120 nanoseconds. In case you are wondering – a nanosecond is one billionth of a second. Your cell phone gives off more energy than that. And, you probably use it for a lot longer!
So, your brain isn’t being zapped with high voltage electrical shocks. It’s simply being coaxed into creating some new nerve patterns. New nerve patterns will help your body reset itself.
Less is More
Ever heard the saying “less is more”? In science and medical arenas it’s called Hormesis. The IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback system uses this principle applied to low energy. Low energy promotes a favorable biologic response. It also balances our sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. And it promotes “self-regulation” – which is what we want!
Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? But, really, all it means is that using a micro current is better than using higher currents. Your nerves respond better. And, they will “learn” to return to their original patterns. The ones that are best for your overall health. Who doesn’t want that?
MCN is not shock treatment. It’s a painless way to help your body learn to be in a “rest and digest” mode rather than a “fight or flight” mode.