Why Try MCN?
Many people want to avoid harsh or intense conventional medical treatments or medications. Fortunately, there’s an alternative! The MicroCurrent Neurofeedback (MCN) approach takes you through the process of achieving optimum parasympathetic nervous system health. In other words, it relaxes your nervous system so your body can start to heal itself and manage stress better.
Our bodies continuously run two nervous system programs, the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS). Our SNS drives our fight or flight stress response. The PNS is our quiet rest and digest condition. This is the condition you want your body in. This state helps reduce your heart rate, reduce your stress levels, improve your sleep, and improve your digestion. Unfortunately, for many, our SNS stuck in high gear, which wears down our bodies and minds. MCN helps ramp up our PNS which helps reduce the stress on our body from being in high gear all the time. While many people feel or oberve a noticeable and positive result after one to three sessions, it takes time to reset all those years of negative nerve pathway activity. Everyone\’s body is different. So we customize each treatment plan. Life changing results can be achieved in just about everyone. Achieving optimum results usually takes between ten to twenty sessions.
The tension in my trap muscles and jaw improved. My stress levels went down. I became more in tune with my body and how different variables impact my sleep and how I feel.